Tuesday, November 27, 2012

 In the first sketch I was thinking of creating horizontal boxes of content and next to the having a picture of some kind that represents the content. It would become a type of timeline, the story of his career (mainly) I thought this would connect back to him since he thought story was so important.

In the second layout I was going to have a header with scanned imagery from the Pixar book I have. On the left there would be a nav bar that would have an illustrator element in it that would be a time line of his life. Then in main content would be important points that would emphasized certain aspects of his life.
Layout three is similar to layout two except this layout has an additional side bar. In the right side bar I was going to possibly add movie posters from all the movies/shorts he has worked on, just to show the large amount. This side bar would work with the created timeline in that it would be it's visual.

The fourth and final layout would have the scanned imagery from the book on the top and bottom and content and visuals together in the main content telling the story of his career.

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