Thursday, November 8, 2012

In progress

 This was my first layout when I was originally going for a more tabloid-like layout. There was a lot of negative space and only three stories.

From this point, after getting some feedback, I added a story to get rid of some of the dead space. I moved all of the secondary stories to the left to give it more of a stacked feel and to make it feel like a magazine since most of their stories are on the sides not bottom. I moved the masthead to left justified instead of centered to give more of a feel of a magazine. To fill in the space I had drawn a cookie. I also added body text to the "main" Cookie story to push the newspaper idea even farther.
After all of those changes, to my first layout I printed it for Tuesday. The feed back I received on Tuesday included making the cookie smaller and possibly giving it the same texture as the type, making the side bar more narrow to give the main story more presence, lightening the images and some small type suggestions.

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