Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Class progress

 In class I found all of the pictures that I wanted to include that go with the content.

<Once I found them all I took each set into illustrator and manipulated them. I turned, resized and place each image to fit within the div measurements, saved it as a .png then placed my 3 new photo sets into my code.  In the screen shot to the left is the 3 image panels I created today.
<For the last set of divs I added in a video. It is the trailer for Wreck-It Ralph, one of his newest projects.

I am planned to possibly brighten the red of the background to work better with the contrast, adding sketches in the background of all of my content divs, adding more links, and hopefully continuing to manipulate my images to make them more dynamic and speak to the style of Pixar.

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