Thursday, September 20, 2012

Different Ideas

 Building off of my last post these are the different ideas I am working through to make the packet itself more exciting. I am also exploring paper.

I was trying to create a night sky feel to the top through the gradient. I enjoy the addition of color but, I feel that it is not enough and I am not sure where to go on this one from here.

Originally, I was exploring pattern I just did not include it in the print out because I am not sure that it is working yet. I definitely feel that it gives a playful and firework-like feel but, even at this low opacity I feel like the pattern is competing too much with the flower and fireworks.

When I was researching I found the poster/advertisement on the right and was inspired by it. I think that the interesting typefaces with help to take my design to the next level. This idea is in the very early stages. I still need to track out type, make revisions and look for paper.0

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